
Why ReHydrate?
Why “Re-Hydrate”?
The dangers of Cellular Dehydration.
The importance of “Re-Hydrating” at a Cellular level.
Lack of proper hydration or “dehydration” is at epidemic levels today. Water acts as a flushing mechanism in the kidneys and urinary tract. Without appropriate hydration, all organs are subjected to inordinate stress and inflammation. Our brain, working around the clock, requires more water than any other part of the body. An improperly hydrated nervous system cannot function at optimum performance. In fact, water is so important that at birth we are approximately 75% water. However, by age 70 it is estimated that human water percentage can be as low as 40%. You are likey living in a constant state of dehydration.
According to various researchers and scientists from the United States, Europe and Japan, cellular dehydration either caused, contributed to and/or exacerbated health problems associated with acidic toxins, nutritional deficiencies, poor circulation and poor cell function. In the book “Your Body’s Many Cries For Water” the author shares over twenty years of his own clinical research. He concludes that in half the visits to doctors every day, the patients aren’t sick they’re just thirsty, and that we could literally empty half the hospitals with proper hydration.
People are visiting their doctors complaining of symptoms, that are in reality their body’s urgent cry for water. When your body lacks water on a cellulalr level and you are unable to remove toxins, your body is faced with the destructive effects of free-radical pathology. Chronic disease is always accompanied by dehydration and in many cases caused by cellular dehydration. Infectious agents cannot thrive in a well-hydrated body. Drinking enough water is one of the most crucial preventative measures you can utilize.
Cellular dehydration is a major stress of critical importance. When the body’s water reserves are low, it initiates a priority water rationing system. Severe water rationing can cause heart attack, angina, joint and muscle pain and kidney malfunction. Unfortunately, getting water into cells is not as simple as consuming water. Water must be pure and charged appropriately to pass through a cell membrane. Essentially, all body functions needed for vitality are affected by “intra-cellular hydration”. Even the slightest declines of cellular hydration can have a negative impact on mental acuity and physical performance and development.
Dehydration can lead to:
~ Toxic edema (water retention which manifests as swollen arms, hands, legs, feet, and face)
~ Electrolyte imbalance which can manifest as muscle cramps, fibromyalgia, dementia, malaise, fatigue, and insomnia.
~ Nutritional deficiency which can lead to allergies, disorientation, clinical depression, joint pain, and various other conditions.
Cellular Dehydration is caused by:
- Insufficient water intake and excessive consumption of other liquids such as soda, teas, coffee, alcohol and acidic juices. These other liquids, though mostly water, actually have a diuretic effect, which increases
- Inability of the cells to uptake water is caused by electrolyte imbalance, mineral deficiency, nutritional deficiency, radiation, toxicity (primarily heavy metals like mercury absorbed from amalgam fillings), drugs (prescription or recreational), bad fats that interfere with the cell membrane (trans fats/ hydrogenated fats associated with fast food) or even long-term emotional stress.
All this can lead to a hardening of the cell membrane which reduces cell permeability. Water, like any other nutrient, must be absorbed across the cell or you can drink water all day long and still suffer cellular dehydration.
In the presence of cellular dehydration the cells might lose up to 28% of their water value. This undermines all cellular activities of metabolic waste which has been documented to resemble disease, when in truth it is simply “disturbed water metabolism”.
ReHydrate has been specifically formulated to deal with these hydration issues. A proprietary blend of herbs and homeopathic remedies carry water into the cell and support the kidneys and other organs/glands that are critical to proper cellular hydration.
Three Keys to Proper Hydration
Every Patient Should Be Advised to:
- Drink the right amount of The formula for this is based on weight. Drink ½ oz. of water per pound of body weight or half your weight in ounces. (100lbs = 50 oz., 150lbs = 75 oz., 200lbs. = 100 oz., etc)
- Drink the right type of water. Any purified water is safer than tap water, but only spring water has nature’s balance of minerals which sets the ph at 7.0 to 8.0 which drinking water should be. Most other waters are acidic or too alkaline.
- Add one drop per ounce of ReHydrate to insure optimum cell utilization.